Friday, January 27, 2012

Final Allusion Poster+Reflection

Overall, I honestly had an easier time with this one than of my other poem projects from earlier.  The Allusion was difficult to put into my own words though, as I had a little trouble picking a character that best suited me, and also alluded to myself.  Thinking of a picture to create was easier than making the video in freshman year, as I was only required to put the poem into picture format.  Overall, I would say that this project was a little mind challenging, and tugged at our practice and skill of relating allusions.

3/4 - SA

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Poem Draft #1


I am slow,
and wise.
I try to make the best decision,
Take my time in choosing options,
And will not rush in a situation.

I try my best,
I keep on going, keeping my eyes open for the road ahead,
and go at a modest pace to check my progress.
I am not always too fast to make a decision,
seeing the different paths that will take me to the finish line quickly and surely.

I am a tortoise,
Making my way to the finish line,
Taking no breaks, and watching my time.
If I rush, I will take the wrong path and end up careless.
Slow and steady,
Wins the race.

(The Tortoise and the Hare)