Friday, January 27, 2012

Final Allusion Poster+Reflection

Overall, I honestly had an easier time with this one than of my other poem projects from earlier.  The Allusion was difficult to put into my own words though, as I had a little trouble picking a character that best suited me, and also alluded to myself.  Thinking of a picture to create was easier than making the video in freshman year, as I was only required to put the poem into picture format.  Overall, I would say that this project was a little mind challenging, and tugged at our practice and skill of relating allusions.

3/4 - SA


  1. Hi Zach!
    Nice job on your graphic! The layout is clear, and you have included yourself in the picture. We can see the allusion in the graphic...and the added words show how the story relates figuratively to your own life :)
    mrs s

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  3. Looking at my Allusion poem, I remember choosing a character was not as easy as I had originally thought, as in the beginning, I thought it was similar to how we chose the metaphor poem, but I found out it was a mythological person/being. I looked at myself, and what I could possibly be/fit in, and I selected the Tortoise from the Tortoise and the Hare, as I alluded myself to being slow, pretty wise, and making the right choice. In my graphic, I chose images of a tortoise, and trails to represent the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, similar to how the race took place on a trail, and how life is like a trail, with many forks in the road, leading to different outcomes, and writing about how my life is similar to that of the Tortoise, as we both keep on the main path, and watch to avoid any traps that would stop us from reaching the finish line, similar to the original poem. To select this one and not another character like the owl in Winnie the Pooh was just from seeing how I had similarities to them, and selecting the one who had the most allusions to my life. For the graphic, I experimented with opacity and new layer styles to tell my allusion to my life with text and excerpts that highlighted the similarities with my character and I, like "Slow and Steady wins the race", or "Truth" and "Wisdom".

  4. Hi Zach,
    Great job on the allusion graphic, combining the allusion with image and text from your own life to highlight your connection to the fable.
    Good job on your reflection, especially the description of your allusive poem. Could describe a bit more about the graphic and your process there.
    Assessment score: ES (4-)
    mrs s
