Friday, April 13, 2012

Moral Grey Scale

Moral Grey Scale

     Honestly, as I look back at life, I realize that I have inflicted many negative actions and psychological pain against others as well as myself.  As I grew, I was very over-reactant and angry toward everyone and everything, even though I was still a good person for some of the time, which contrasted with my angry reputation.  I had thoughts of hurting others when they picked on me, since that was a lot, or whenever someone made fun of me because I was shy due to my Autism.  At these points in my early life, I was in the Black side, close to the Grey side, but leaning close to the outer Black areas.
     As I grew, I realized what I had done, and I began to make attempts to repair loose ends, broken friendships, and patch things up with my family.  I have NOT had/done any sexual contact of any kind - (still a Virgin), drank alcohol, done drugs, marijuana, smoking, or 'weed' of any kind/deal drugs/juvenile actions, or have maliciously harmed someone to cripple them impermanently - As my morals are Christian as well, being born again at Five, I was raised in a good household, but my ideals and morals were not very well formed toward how I should have treated others and as I look back on it, I truly regret many of my actions that have given me the image of a person who likes to be mean, or cause trouble and harm to others.  As we all make mistakes, I wish that I had only picked up sooner.  Since my crossing into the White side, I have striven to change my morale, and shift my attitude to a happier, mature, and much nicer one than I was before.  I have finally cast the shell of immaturity, and I must maintain a well mind, for the sake of those around me, and Myself.
- Z


  1. Hi Zach!
    I'm just browsing through the blogs and wanted to say I was really impressed by your thoughtful entry. Both the graphical representation and your reflection about your moral scale show evidence of your deepening understanding of yourself and your values and also your understanding of graphical representation and communication!
    mrs s

  2. Hey zach! Great job. You not only showed the the things you did but you also gave thought behund it and explained why you did certain things and about your morales.
    - chad masuda
