Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bullying essay Draft # 2

The government should create classes and sessions to counsel and help stop bullying.  With people being plagued by the individuals known as “bullies” everyday, people urge the governing system to do something about the issue, as not much is being done to fully address the issue.  However, there are people who claim that the government has already done enough to resolve and help the issue.  I stand on the side of the argument complaining that the government should do something about the issue, opposing the side saying the government has done enough.
The first argument complains that our government is not doing enough to address and combat the issue about bullying.  Although many programs exist, such as anti bullying programs, websites,  and flyers to educate about the issue and what can be done to stop the bullying, there is little action being taken by the governing system when the bully is caught and detained.  In one case on October 17 2009, a teenager, Tyler Long, was bullied until he was sent over the edge, and hung himself.  Strangely, the school officials failed to recognize or acknowledge any form of the bullying in process, and disturbingly, his suicide was mocked and openly made fun of in classrooms, without any action being taken to stop mockery and disrespect.  The bullies who pushed Tyler over the edge as well as those who mocked him were not pulled over or consoled, educated, or taught to stop the bullying, and neither did the government or school step in on any of the action.
On the other side, there are the people who counteract with the idea that everything in our power has already been done to help the efforts of the anti-bullying activities.  The government has started enacting warnings for schools to detain and help console, or have therapy with bullies, to combat the issue and rehabilitate the bully to stop their course of action.  Government statistics reveal that one of three students are bullied in Middle and High schools now, affecting overall mental health, success in school, and being able to be around others with trust.
In conclusion, I stand on the side that says there is not enough being done to prevent bullying in today’s schools.  The government may be taking action and preventive measures, but there are still people who push others into mental breakdown, and to the verge of suicide, while people say that there is nothing else that can be done about the events that unfold during a bully’s rampage.

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